Earth history
History of the earh
First life on earth
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The Great Oxygenation Event
This event marked a significant increase in the production of oxygen on Earth, largely due to the emergence of oxygenic photosynthesis by cyanobacteria. It led to the oxygenation of the atmosphere and oceans, setting the stage for the development of more complex life forms.
Cambrian Explosion
This period saw a rapid diversification of life forms, with the emergence of various complex animal phyla during the Cambrian period. It marked a significant increase in the diversity and complexity of multicellular organisms.
Permian-Triassic Extinction Event
This was the largest mass extinction event in Earth's history. It resulted in the loss of around 90% of marine species and approximately 70% of terrestrial species. The event dramatically reshaped life on Earth and paved the way for the rise of new species during the subsequent Triassic period.
Dinosaurs extinction
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First Homo sapiens
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